Some people's lives
are guided by their
career choices and
others need the
security of their
family and friends.
Others have a
wanderlust that
makes them pack up
and go at the drop
of a hat. Maybe
there is some gypsy
blood in one of our
families because we
never seemed to
achieve the envious
ability to settle on
a stable life, that
brass ring was
always there,
seemingly within
reach but always on
the edge of our
Only in recent
years have we
actually lived in
one place for more
than 5 years. We
thought that when we
retired that we
would become model
citizens of our age
group, settle in to
a comfortable daily
routine, work in the
yard, clean the
house, have
leisurely meals on
the lanai and build
up a little comfort
in our savings
Oh well, maybe in
the next lifetime
that could happen.
So, here we are in
Southwest Florida
and our garage is
filled with diving
gear, underwater
cameras have been
upgraded, our
refrigerator is
filled with beer and
wine and a stack of
coolers lines one
wall waiting for the
next adventure.
We are raising our
two young
grandchildren who
have experienced
some rough
challenges and we
say that they keep
us young and diving
keeps us sane. |